Singing Day 2025


MOZART "Requiem"



Saturday 22nd February 2025 9.30am

Macclesfield Methodist Church, Westminster Road

If you enjoy singing, why not come and join the Oriana Choir to learn and perform a famous choral work, under the direction of our Musical Director, Christopher Cromar. We offer a warm welcome, a light, bright rehearsal space, and the opportunity to join like-minded people in singing a challenging, glorious choral work. 4 soloists will join us for the informal performance.


The price for the day will be £25 including hot drinks, cake and biscuits in the breaks. (Students 17 - 21 free). A musical score will be provided, on loan, for the duration of the singing day. Friends and family are invited to join us at 4.30pm, for the performance.


Pay and Display parking is available opposite the Church, in the Whalley Hayes car park. (Free parking after 3pm).


For further information and registration details, please contact Gill (Chairman),, or Anthea (Treasurer), or click the link below.


The choir is always happy to welcome new members and Gill and Anthea would also be pleased to provide details of our regular rehearsals and concert schedule.



To download a booking form/more information, click here.

Singing Day 2025


9.30am - 10am..................Registration and welcome

10am – 11.10am...............Session 1

11.10am – 11.30am..........Tea/coffee break

11.30am -12.30pm............Session 2

12.30pm – 1.30pm............Lunch break 

1.30pm – 2.40pm..............Session 3

2.40pm – 3pm...................Tea/coffee break

3pm – 4pm........................Session 4

4pm –4.30pm....................Tea/coffee break

4.30pm...............................Informal Performance

Macclesfield Oriana Choir